viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011


Miscreant. Un grupo desconocido para todo el mundo pero que a mí igualmente me encanta y que lo encontré por casualidad en internet.

Are we right to be fighting again?  Who wins in the end? Why did this begin? Every night there’s a new story showing. The death toll growing in the name of you
I want to bow my head and pray for the life of the innocent. You never hear enough about the innocent. All the people say “Well what can I do?” Cause it doesn’t seem real to you. Now that is something I can relate to It’s easier to die than live for you
Fight for me as I fight for you or give me one reason to love you too
Are we right as we fight in your name  an infinite game with no one to blame. Everyday there’s a new way of dying a hand worth tying in the name of you and the holy dive behind what sounds like the truth and there they feed us lies until we bleed for you

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